Case Study
Im Jahr 2021 startete die Unternehmerin und Business Coach Tanja Kunz den Female Power Podcast. Der Podcast ist ein Toolkit für die Selbstentwicklung sowie eine Ressource für Frauen, die ihre Karriereziele erreichen würden. Erfahren Sie, wie wir Tanjas Podcast-Reise unterstützt haben.

Die meisten Podcasts folgen dem "Interview-Format" - ein einzelner Moderator, der Gespräche mit verschiedene Gäste zum Thema der Podcast-Serie führt. Es gibt keine feste Regel, wie ein Podcast aufgebaut sein sollte. Trotzdem gibt es viele typische Merkmale, die wir für Sie in einem praktischen Download-Link zusammengestellt haben.
/ / Production Techniques
Use classic storytelling techniques to make impactful podcasts
No matter what format your podcast is - interview, panel discussion, documentary, monologue - you can employ structures and techniques used in literature and screenplays to make powerful stories and keep your listeners hooked.
/ / Production Techniques
How to record guests in different locations for your Podcast
There are solutions at every budget level for remote recording in podcasts. At the low budget end, there can be quality issues. Pristine studio to studio real time audio recording is clearly best, but cost-prohibitive for many. Now, many mid-range solutions have entered the market. Read on to discover which solution best fits your needs.
/ / Production Techniques
Can I make a podcast myself, or do I need to use a production company?
At its core, your decision is choosing between time or cost. Making a podcast yourself will have a lower cost than hiring a production company, but you will require lots of time and a keen interest to learn recording and editing.
/ / Trends & Insights
2021 Podcast Listener Trends & Insights
Industry statistics suggest that Podcasting will be a $1 billion industry by 2021 and Spotify specifically is projected to become the most popular podcast platform in the US.
/ / Production Techniques
Should I write a script for my podcast?
There are important reasons to carefully script your podcast episodes in advance. Read on to find out why.
/ / Podcast Strategies
Effective ways to distribute a corporate podcast for internal employees only
If you are making an internal podcast for your staff, you want it to be as accessible for them as possible. But for companies who wish to make their internal podcasts private, this presents a challenge - how do you make your internal podcast both readily available for staff via popular or common listening apps AND yet make them accessible only to your staff and not the entire internet? Read on to find out your options.